January 05, 2010

New Year Resolutions 2010

I'm back in London and tomorrow I'm back at work. I spent the past week with friends. We went to north Yorkshire, which was shut due to the bad weather. S0, not a lot of sightseeing done, although we did look at Whitby Abbey over it's high stone wall and walk past the Newcastle Library.

The purpose of this post is to record my NY resolutions. Usually, I have a few of these because I believe in finding ways to improve my experience of life. But this year I haven't found anything that's achievable or realistic. Instead I have these:

1. Do more cataloguing
2. Teach world to sing
3. Become femme fatale
4. Read >50 books (for the LibraryThing Challenge)
5. Campaign for more vegetarian beer and cider in the pubs I visit
6. Try to remember to occasionally use the Twitter account set up many months ago


Archivegirl said...

Really enjoyed reading your blog. I especially like your third point becoming a femme fatale.


Kathryn said...

I hadn't heard of LibraryThing before - sounds great! I'm quite often sucked in by the 'people who bought this also bought...' thing on Amazon but this sounds much more interesting. I didn't make any New Year's resolutions except to make more lists in a bid to have a more organised year, I'm definitely making more lists but not sure I'm feeling hugely more organised as a result of it! Think I'll be signing up to LibraryThing now though - thanks!

questingarchivist said...

Hey Archivegirl, thanks! Your blog also looks good. I've added it to my blogroll. Oh, and the femme fatale thing is more difficult to achieve than you'd think!

Kathryn, I hope you like Librarything. It's great for book discussions and is guaranteed to increase your list of books to buy/read.