The purpose of this post is to record my NY resolutions. Usually, I have a few of these because I believe in finding ways to improve my experience of life. But this year I haven't found anything that's achievable or realistic. Instead I have these:
1. Do more cataloguing
2. Teach world to sing
3. Become femme fatale
4. Read >50 books (for the LibraryThing Challenge)
5. Campaign for more vegetarian beer and cider in the pubs I visit
6. Try to remember to occasionally use the Twitter account set up many months ago
Really enjoyed reading your blog. I especially like your third point becoming a femme fatale.
I hadn't heard of LibraryThing before - sounds great! I'm quite often sucked in by the 'people who bought this also bought...' thing on Amazon but this sounds much more interesting. I didn't make any New Year's resolutions except to make more lists in a bid to have a more organised year, I'm definitely making more lists but not sure I'm feeling hugely more organised as a result of it! Think I'll be signing up to LibraryThing now though - thanks!
Hey Archivegirl, thanks! Your blog also looks good. I've added it to my blogroll. Oh, and the femme fatale thing is more difficult to achieve than you'd think!
Kathryn, I hope you like Librarything. It's great for book discussions and is guaranteed to increase your list of books to buy/read.
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